"I prefer to live in colour“!
Preferably in white, rosé or red.❤︎
«World peace starts with inner peace; which starts with a glass of Sanglière rosé...
❤️🔥 is another reason to pop that cork!
We don’t do business with racists or assholes. We don’t care how much money they are offering us, or what project. Quality of life is important. We’re fortunate to collaborate with a lot of people we like and respect, and we like to keep it that way. >> mail@bouiboui.vin
Das Gesetz verbietet den Verkauf von Wein an unter 16-Jährige, Spirituosen und Aperitifs an unter 18-Jährige. Der Kunde bestätigt mit seiner Bestellung, dass er mindestens 18-jährig ist.